Standby Commercial Generators
and Critical Power
Whether you are looking for a generator to back up critical loads or your entire manufacturing facility, Stinson Electric has the solution for your turnkey commercial generator installation.

We understand
Some operations in your business cannot afford to be down for any period of time. We can help you determine your critical power needs and guide you through the entire process of a commercial generator installation from budgeting and designing the system to installation and start up.

True turnkey solutions
We handle all the details so you don’t have to…
- Determining your critical power needs including future loads
- Sizing and sourcing the generator best suited for your application
- Permitting and coordination with authority having jurisdiction
- Site work and sourcing the concrete pad
- Rigging and installation of the generator
- Fueling provisions (natural gas or diesel)
- In house generator rental
- Shutdown and utility coordination
- Site restoration

Let’s Get Started
Contact us about your new commercial generator installation or upgrade today.
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